
Terry Sweeney?

Terry Sweeney?

You can go home now Lisa.

You can go home now Lisa.



Yeah sorta like every single thing that's new, Cougar Town and Suburgatory come to mind, gets slagged until suddenly, it's the best thing ever and now we slavishly follow it (so we have something to blog about every day). Dealing with the ephemera of the emerging social network society is tiresome and repetitive. I

Yeah sorta like every single thing that's new, Cougar Town and Suburgatory come to mind, gets slagged until suddenly, it's the best thing ever and now we slavishly follow it (so we have something to blog about every day). Dealing with the ephemera of the emerging social network society is tiresome and repetitive. I

Repair to the tepidarium. Somnolence wil ensue.

Repair to the tepidarium. Somnolence wil ensue.

Why delicate?

Why delicate?

Louis C.K. is the designated intellectual libertine for the dullest, most uptight and conformist youth culture ever.

Louis C.K. is the designated intellectual libertine for the dullest, most uptight and conformist youth culture ever.

lay on macked duffer

lay on macked duffer

Gosh it's like they put the information themselves!

Gosh it's like they put the information themselves!

I seem to be drinking whatever urine is handy…

I seem to be drinking whatever urine is handy…