
Is licking a lady's maple leaf the same thing as kissing her pineapple?

I liked the reference, given this was filmed just after the fantastic London Olympics and Paralympics.

Yay for you and your comment.  I think the things that works so brilliantly about Doctor Who is that it is unabashedly British.  It would be shit if it went for a catch-all trans-Atlanticism in an attempt to be all things to all marketing territories.  It's like Danny Boyle's Olympic opening ceremony: weirdly,

I think it's got to do more with budget than ambition.

"the great moment when Clara calls the TARDIS a “snog box”—the Doctor’s reaction falls somewhere between uncomprehending alien and mortified 11 year old."
PERFECT description of the Doctor's reaction.  I loved that little moment.

"ne'er the twain shall meet", with "ne'er" a contraction of "never"

They're oversexed, overpaid and over here!

Yeah, you say 'shitty' real good in America.

Oggie, oggie, oggie, keep stealing our catchphrase!

A nature documentary narrated by *David* Attenborough, surely?  Not Richard - he's the actor/director/luvvie/reputed groper.

Hi Ricky!

I'm not sure the Jimmy Riddle rhyming slang comes from the C&W singer of that name.  I know it was in use in the 1930s, and I very much doubt he was known of in the UK then.

No it doesn't.  In the UK, the dock is the part of the court where the accused stands during a trial.

Au contraire, Contrarian.  Downton is set in the Edwardian period.  that's after the Victorian.  Therefore, by your logic, if Downton Abbey is a reflection of contemporary British society/the Victorian age, then the Brits are actually living in the future …

Because there were a slew of British pop stars in the 60s (mostly managed by Larry Parnes) who took American sounding 'power' surnames because they had glamour and sparkle, but then they managed to subvert and undermine them by giving them dull British first names.  Witness:

This film depresses me no end.  The sole female character is there as a sex object. That's it.  Welcome to Hollywood's 21st century.  Sexism is as alive and kicking as ever.

Spluttered into my coffee on first hearing the single 'Where Are We Now' and the line 'sitting in the jungle' (around 0:51) - delivered exactly the same notes and rhythm as his 'funny Little fat man' line from the song he did in Extras.  Was that a sly nod, or just David running out of ideas?

Gotta love me some Vinnie - here's the excellent PSA he did for the British Heart Foundation's CPR campaign:

I'm with you.  This sounds exactly like the shit synth and drum machine music I was listening to in the mid 80s, and it's not aged well …  Maybe they're doing it ironically?  I can't see any other explanation - that, or the folly of youth. *Wanders off to find slippers and pipe*

Monica Bellucci's num nums ……. mmmmmmmmm