
Don't forget pacifist.

When I listen to Skyfall, I just hear a paean to classic English puddings:

When I listen to Skyfall, I just hear a paean to classic English puddings:

Did you listen to this one?

Did you listen to this one?

Interesting how American funding for the IRA dried up after 9/11, once Americans realised what terrorism really means: the full horror and utter meaningless waste.  What a shame it had to happen on their own home soil before they came to that realisation.

Interesting how American funding for the IRA dried up after 9/11, once Americans realised what terrorism really means: the full horror and utter meaningless waste.  What a shame it had to happen on their own home soil before they came to that realisation.

Not really on-topic, but every time I see or read about Tom Baker, I can't help thinking about this particular nugget of gossip from the Popbitch messageboard:

Not really on-topic, but every time I see or read about Tom Baker, I can't help thinking about this particular nugget of gossip from the Popbitch messageboard:

And there was the other time when Liam was apprehended by the Plod and called the fine upstanding officer of the law 'Mount McTwattybuttocks', as reported in a Q magazine piece on Oasis.  Alcohol may have been involved ….

And there was the other time when Liam was apprehended by the Plod and called the fine upstanding officer of the law 'Mount McTwattybuttocks', as reported in a Q magazine piece on Oasis.  Alcohol may have been involved ….

Um … considering Noel is the master of irony, I think you're mis-reading him here.

Um … considering Noel is the master of irony, I think you're mis-reading him here.

Blue Juice, if only for Catherine Zeta Jones's norks

Blue Juice, if only for Catherine Zeta Jones's norks

For those of you missing the Up series, here is the best sample EVAH from the series:

For those of you missing the Up series, here is the best sample EVAH from the series:

To Aurora Boreanaz: Ben Kingsley has a white English mother and an Indian father.  He's half white, if you're going to bang on about his ethnicity.  He was born in the UK.  To call him 'Asian' is wrong.  It only tells part of the story.

To Aurora Boreanaz: Ben Kingsley has a white English mother and an Indian father.  He's half white, if you're going to bang on about his ethnicity.  He was born in the UK.  To call him 'Asian' is wrong.  It only tells part of the story.

Nah, Marc Almond of Soft Cell.