
ex: Mac being gay and Dennis being a serial murderer/rapist In It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Ultimately, he made the right move. If he wants to do the exact same plan and take out Peter at next tribal counsel, he still can. Just this time with Julia instead of Anna.

See, I agree with you on that. I follow leak accounts on Twitter to catch up on the strategizing. But the Caleb/Amber stuff had nothing to do with strategizing. And that's where I think it crosses the creep-line.

It doesn't give you a blackjack, but it does give you 21. You're on the right track.

I can tell by your choice of "blasted" that you're an avid Always Sunny fan.
…Because of the implication.


That's the rule of thumb. When in doubt about someone's age, always assume 8.

What is this… a miniseries for ANTS?!

Last year I lived with Kato's nephew. And I'll tell you, he's just as goofy as Kato is. You can't be around these guys without laughing.

I was expecting Hugo Strange to do some sort of shock therapy (or some other medical stuff/brainwashing that I don't understand) that would change Victor's behavior, changing his motive as a villain.
**Disclaimer: I have no previous knowledge of either of these characters beyond Gotham

Exactly. Like Psycho Clowns.

I thought that if Brawn lost, shuffling them into 3 tribes of 5 would've made more sense than into two tribes. Plus, you can't evenly divide 15 people in half.

I don't know, I think the live feeds are the worst part about Big Brother. If you're watching the live feeds, don't you just feel like a creep? You're just literally watching people living their lives. I don't know, that seems off to me. The show is on 3 nights a week, so they have plenty of time to put all of the