doctor unknown

except caitlyn has said repeatedly she felt like a woman her entire life

male and female does not mean what you think it does sorry

first of all stop using male pronouns to describe her

well first of all you called her by the wrong name

fry walk with me

m t wentz gave it a bad review tho

the gender you are assigned at birth has no bearing on the gender you are


i admit i didn't actually see the damn thing bc gross but i'm guessing woody had enough savvy to realize nobody wanted to watch larry david get it on with a 20something

that first set is absolutely crushing, i can't get through it sometimes

lol hyperbole, how does it work

you dislike one person so you're going to disrespect every trans person ever

just she

this is all wrong tho



i still remember an episode of yo mtv raps where dre and ed lover were riffing on this for about twenty minutes straight

casting already is color blind in that nobody sees the roles as anything but white people

lmao we got a badass here

nas tbh