
ET-how did you hear of these twins? my mom (a developmentalist) claims to have worked with them when they were babies. when i looked them up people claim to have met these twins in nearly every state. urban legend? man, my mom is full of shit. i knew it.

the madison thing came from the feature film "Splash." it straight up did not exist before that movie, then it exploded.

wait-shannon sossamon. i think that was her.

whats her face named her kid audioscience. no joke. maybe she picked that so no one would forget his name like i just did hers.

i know someone that spells their name z-a-k too. no one ever says anything to him about it. i don't think it's that weird. in fact i think it's dumb to spell it z-a-c-h. it should sound like latch with a z.

take it from a local
BMSR fucking suck. They hate that no one from their hometown is into them and they decided that the scene rejects them because they have higher aspirations than just playing Pgh shows. They are pretentious without footing for such attitudes and Williamsburg or wherethefuckever can have them if

kids that is, no apostrophes

Man, kid's are way funnier than I thought they were these days. You'd never know it from Gossip Girl or whatever the kid's are watching.

lit. vs. film
hey, does anyone know if this is based on a book? cause it sounds like it would make for a much better read than view. would also probably eliminate a lot of the controversy, which i suppose would ruin it for a lot of people.

reverse of the original pass comment
I'm gonna have to go with Ryan Adams. I try to hate him, but goddamn it I just can't. Everytime I hear Jacksonville Skyline or Cannonball Days, I'm in love again. Tantrums, diatribes and ponytails not withstanding.

for fuck's sake
just appreciate guest for what he is-a genius-and don't worry about what kind of a coffee date he'd be cause guess what nerds? it ain't happening.

cause he couldn't find a starbucks at the end of the block to get his special drink with extra whipped cream and threw a tantrum.

I heard RaxDinder got beat up in Pgh.

he's so good
a girl who saw him at the bloomfield show in pgh fainted. no joke.

The Dreamers is good movie but the sex isn't really the erotic part, it's more the paradoxical conduit and rift between the characters. But if mild incest artfully done is your thing than maybe. You could see how 91/2 weeks was kind of sexy and risque for it's time but now it's definitely a bit dated and the drama

better late than never?
watched 9 1/2 weeks last night. whoa. and also whoa.

er, the NEW new jersey

italy=the new jersey

tyler is one of my all-time favorite tunes. a boyfriend designated it "our song" in high school. i thought it was romantic at the time-rape theme notwithstanding.

nivrana is to apples as pearl jam is to oranges. comparing them is pointless in terms of actual sound. cultural impact is a different story, but no one here seems to care about that aspect.