King Of Spades

Just reading the transcript, without even seeing the trailer, caused me to black out for a few moments.

"I think we got Gator fans."

After reading this review, I'm wondering what's holding the film back from an F grading.

And Lucille never even saw the license plate.


Didn't you take me to a Leafs game once? You owe me fifty bucks, you faux French FAG!!!

I think of this one every time I hear "Lover Her Madly."

Twenty-nine Helens agree…punctuality is important.

I know you are.

Was I there?

Didn't Mike also have the cat at the quarry this season? Or was that last season?

If I recall correctly, Brick always sits in the lawn chair.

Well played, fatterandsloppier. Well played.

"…slowly revealing that said aliens-the Zabvronians-don't necessarily have humanity's best interests at heart, but are probably too lazy and incompetent to ever actually accomplish anything…"

Britta's squirrel has always been my favorite.

So she can Charleston, but can she do the Lindbergh Lean? And if so, what sort of creature would do a dance called the Lindbergh Lean?

So she can Charleston, but can she do the Lindbergh Lean? And if so, what sort of creature would do a dance called the Lindbergh Lean?