
"Song for Someone" is probably my favorite. Rolling Stone mockery aside, Songs of Innocence really was one of my personal bests of the year.

"Yellow Flicker Beat" by Lorde followed closely by "Severed Crossed Fingers" by St. Vincent.

Is the Grumpy Cat Extended Universe considered canon?

This really goes beyond my training as an AV Club commenter, sir.

I really liked the new Cage the Elephant album. Are Cage the Elephant cool? Does liking them make me uncool? I mean, I'm plenty uncool as it is, but is that a contributing factor?

Other than his questionable hairstyle, he looks fine.

"Chandelier" is great, but the rest…ugh. "Shake It Off" is obscenely terrible, and it's bizarre that it was the lead single for an otherwise decent album.

We are programmed just to do
Anything you want us to
We are the robotoids

My dad used to live there. It's kind of nice, I guess, but not a place a multimillionaire rock star should be living.

Brian Johnson lives in Sarasota, a huge spring training town. That's all I can think of.

Jizz was an upbeat, swinging genre of music, most notably performed by Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes and the Max Rebo Band. Subgenres of jizz included the styles of jizz-wail, aubade, and glitz.

Why haven't "Lovecrafts" been used as euphemisms for boobs?

I liked Pacific Rim a lot, but I agree with all that. For all the time they spent on explaining drifting, it was half-baked and made very little sense to me.

dwosidfjgoadg dffgjanad, the future Mrs. Nipple Huggiez?


Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru can't believe the types of people that have moved to Tatooine lately.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in joy and were suddenly silenced.

Wolverine's claws, but made out of lightsabers.

Had this been released before Thanksgiving, I'm sure "the first character shown in the new Star Wars trailer is black" would have been added to most racist dinner-table discussions.