
That's my guess, too. Killed perhaps in a car accident by a phone-distracted driver? Killed by Chuck himself, as the distracted driver? Or maybe technology failed to save her when some life support machine didn't work? The all-encompassing pervasiveness of Chuck's mental illness further suggests whatever it was, the

Yeah, Kim's pitch to keep the account was a pitch for the moon and brilliantly done (written and acted, also). But realistically no bank the size of the fictional Mesa Verde would depend on a single practitioner for their law services. A small-ish firm the size of Davis and Main, I could believe, but HHM is way more

Wrong city, alas.

Yeah… when Jimmy has fled to Nebraska and is working in the Cinnabon as "Gene", he is very clearly completely, tragically alone and friendless.

The EM field sensitivity is pretty clearly psychosomatic and maybe one day we'll see either the initial triggering mental breakdown event or else a series of experiences Chuck had which led him to develop it.

I love you guys. Thanks for the laughs here in the comments. I needed 'em.

I remember having posted this comment and although I think this was a fine episode, I actually think 'Heaven Sent' is even better. Moffat really outdid himself with that one.

I do think this so far has been the best episode of the Capaldi era. For me, it was two moments which hit the hardest: The first was when the Doctor realized why he'd chosen his current face, and his reactions to that knowledge. And having it be Donna Noble who 'set the mark' for him, to be the Doctor because he saves

Captain Jack Harkness: Omnisexual and will flirt with anyone who flirts back at him, regardless of gender or species.

Last week, Mike gave us the treat of a discourse to "Price" (the erstwhile nebbish pill seller) on how good and bad don't necessarily map to police or criminal. Paraphrasing, he said something along the lines of, "You're a criminal now. You can't change that. You took something that wasn't yours and sold it for money.

I'm guessing now it was Chuck. It was also probably Chuck's idea that Jimmy not be allowed to practice under the surname McGill.

Very intriguing theory there… You could have something.

I live near Albuquerque and have some friends who work in film and TV production. I was scanning the board to look for their faces. ;-) Didn't find any.

Got that right.

It kind of made sense, suddenly finding out that not only did your kid brother want to be a lawyer, he'd actually gone out and managed to make it happen, to not want to immediately jump on that with an offer for an associate position.

(Lots of spoilers in this comment…)

"You'll get cookies! Lots and lots of cookies."

How sad for your sons to be raised by a homophobic mother who objects to seeing two men express devotion for one another, but who apparently doesn't have any problem with extreme gore and violence.

Daryl was speaking metaphorically, not literally.

Boosh! Boosh! Boosh! Boosh!