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    Ugh, Livefyre is the worst - conversations seem nearly impossible, and in the end it's like a bunch of people yelling into the void.  Which I suppose is a great metaphor for the internet in general.

    @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I see your point - I, too, would love to see more space launches and the like - but I don't think nitpicking the movie to death is the best way to tell people that "real space is cool too!"  If you ask me, the current lack of interest in space exploration is the result

    The one that really turned me against the whole notion was the "why do people like this make-believe fairy tale when there's REAL SCIENCE going on" one, which equal parts valid complaint and jerk-ish invective. That's probably because I go to an engineering school and I see that sort of attitude all the time - which I

    Isn't his like entire raison d'etre educating the public about science?  Even if Gravity isn't totally accurate, I feel like somebody with that mission should be celebrating that a (somewhat) realistic space-set movie with no sound, aliens, or any of that crap just broke box-office records.  This is the sort of thing

    Hollywood : science :: Neil deGrasse Tyson : Film criticism


    That's how I felt about the movie.  BEAUTIFUL film (shot by the incomparable Bruno Delbonnel), but ultimately just spinning its wheels until Deathly Hollows.

    Taylor Swift all three.

    Hey, at least there's still Orphan Black!

    @avclub-ca4fc44a59d0201cc7d4f760153cb00c:disqus No, you're definitely still right!  I'm just being a pedant, as nerds are wont to do.  I've not had the pleasure of shooting on an EX3, but in spite of the sub-sampled sensor and the 4:3 LCD I actually LOVED shooting on the HVX when I got the chance.  Coming from a DSLR

    Well that's because he hasn't implanted yours yet.

    @avclub-ca4fc44a59d0201cc7d4f760153cb00c:disqus I thought they switched to the EX3 a while back?

    Falsified posts for self-promotion? On reddit? Psh, no way!

    I thought the end of Fringe was handled well?  Sure the last season had some pretty glaring weak spots but I for one felt the actual end was pretty good, all things considered.

    Unless my understanding is off, isn't the album being released normally after a period of exclusivity on Galaxy devices?

    I don't know why I was hoping for "palindromes, yo" to be a palindrome…

    Why is the first 25% of this article spent on a hamfisted smartphone review? I mean I'm all for context informing a review but some of it just feels amateurish.

    "If me have Leo in movie, then me can get funding."

    @avclub-5e550d516b252b5d3e9a239590372fed:disqus Reserved seating was something I thought I wanted, until I went to India, where the theaters I went to had reserved seating.  It became a royal pain to tickets in time for good seats to due a large variety of unusual circumstances (language barrier, credit card failure,