eddie adams

im picturing Ghost World. am I close?

you get all the upvotes

he doesn't look like Obama imo

yet, look at Hartman. what a pro

my devo story: I sang whip it at my prom. on a stage. in front of people.

are they still drinkin? cuz if they still drinkin then im still buyin.


marty in a Pink Floyd shirt was funny to me.

my first thought was mike watt. so much of my worldview was based upon his and d. boons lyrics. MCA fucked me up when he went and even Hoffman got me inward looking, can only imagine what watts death will do to me. iggy pop running a close second. god this is morbid.

birthday cake is a stone cold classic imo. I mean, shut up and eat? that's gold, baby.


geez bro…

who was playing when rust was getting frisked. didn't sound like primus. was thinking high on fire, but not sure. help me, people!

in 1995, Michael Jordan was making everybody feel bad.

Rust Cohle: Worlds Saddest Skilled Dancer

the grade on this wrong. dick shawn raises it ALL BY HIMSELF!

hes on a de niro run. which is just wow

so this is gonna be a show where I cant wait who will be playing over the closing credits. episode 7-butthole surfers. (fingers crossed)

I like how woody went in for some ass play and then the jump cut to rust spitting out mouthwash.

just heard the reverend Horton heat on true detective last night. the show takes place partly in…..95! liquor in the front!