eddie adams

you meant his lady friend is the best. "CALIFORNIA FUCKS. FUCK EM!"

hahahahahahaha, do yer thang, bro

great show. the television landscape needs more of its kind.

this is a whole buncha bad.

rock and roll is only for the childless.

look closer, and ye shall see a schlong

you always know just what to say.

summertime means ice cream.

some good shit, there. very amp-ish.

thanks for sharing for that. thank you.

and his mom did all of us!


fuck dance, let's art.

i'm ashamed of all ya'll.

chlub chlub

it was some straight "juno" shit in there. twee as a mofo. and then when the oreo makes a smiley face at the end? jeebus.

that oreo commercial was the longest minute and a half of my life. for most of it, i thought, "is that weird al?" god, that was painful. i'm off oreos now and forever.

whenever i hear "goon", i think of buffalo '66. "don't call me goon, billy." "goon goon goon."

who wants to take me to the hospital?
