J Arthur Blank

Putting aside the unnecessary Wall-E hate, I've got to say I agree. Didn't like it at first, and then I watched it with my wife and felt a big goofy surge of excitement. I like the look of it.

Distributors only get around 50% of the revenues earned at the box office. To break even in theatres, this movie needs to make at least $750 million globally. It will, too.

I think it was 'Tremors.'

Did that video end with him whispering something to Scarlett Johanson? I think I saw it too.

The real 2010 will be similar to the movie in one respect - inexplicably, Helen Mirren remains hot.

So Bana went back in time to kick the shit out of Mr Spock in May, then back in time to fuck his under-aged future wife in August. Surely he could have done both at once and saved himself a trip. Also, I would have paid to see that movie.