3rd prize youre fired.

Does that make you cry?

Does that make you cry?

Why do the quotation marks disappear after "TBA" - Lucinda Williams?

Why do the quotation marks disappear after "TBA" - Lucinda Williams?

Rocky Mountain High by Snow Bud and the Flower People.

Rocky Mountain High by Snow Bud and the Flower People.

Split Pee?

Split Pee?

The Stone Temple Pilots spinoff will at first seem contrived and derivative, but once re-runs become syndicated, will actually seem almost better than the original.

The Stone Temple Pilots spinoff will at first seem contrived and derivative, but once re-runs become syndicated, will actually seem almost better than the original.

NBC, where art thou?

NBC, where art thou?

Bourbon?!  Good one.

Bourbon?!  Good one.

Fun is for closers.

Fun is for closers.

Wow - I've never even been to Philly, just listened to the Pod F. Tomkast…

Wow - I've never even been to Philly, just listened to the Pod F. Tomkast…

Mini Jack Donaghy wouldn't be caught dead in that suit.  Trust me.

Mini Jack Donaghy wouldn't be caught dead in that suit.  Trust me.