BMX Bandit

Not to derail this conversation to Taken. But I just saw the preview for the newest Liam Neeson action movie. Where he has to prevent people being killed on a flight to Europe or something. I just assume that it's what happened to him when he flew out to save his daughter in Taken.

Fine, but I only have a hammer and a few nails, and no level either. So I hope you're prepared for some really shoddy workmanship.

You mean there's no telling how rapidly this will be forgotten?

Yeah he's a terribly annoying character. I had a thought the other day that there should be a show about Ted and Ross from friends being best friends and having sad, mopey, passive aggressive, bizarrely romantic relationships with women. This would of course take place after their respect friend groups kicked them

If it's steam powered it will probably require a team of men to stoke a coal furnace. So you'd have to make sure you bedroom as space for that, or you have a spare room to keep all of that extra equipment.

Well clearly it's too tough for your mind to handle that some people have different opinions than you.

But they'll probably call it Buplo or something like that.

This just means I'm more likely to step on one of these movies in the middle the night walking to the bathroom. THANKS Warner Bros!

But what, I know we are all wondering. Is the pizza budget for this movie?

The other one is suffering from a massive heart attack otherwise they'd agree to.

Dear god…..

So what you're saying is our next President needs to campaign on a platform of cartoonish reverse psychology? That's just crazy enough to work!

Why is it diet coke? Why not coke zero. Also damn that's just a lot of soda to drink in one go… ugh.

But what about those of us who aren't not into not caring about football ambivalence? What are we supposed to do!?

Maybe we both just wanted to brag and we didn't know it.

Oh yeah, I could really see myself enjoying a Ragnarok Thor movie

When I was but a young BMXing lad I loved seltzer. My favorite snack was pretzels and seltzer. Sometimes I would mix in some orange juice… damn i'm going to get some seltzer right now.

I'd ask you to explain more, but clearly you'd rather just downvote everyone who replies to this thread. Good day to you sir, I have important business elsewhere on this site.

I dont' know! I'm giving you an upvote just to help though

And that the person doing the upvoting hasn't even made a comment yet. This is gonna get interesting