
I kinda hope Cameron casts him an Avatar sequel and makes his performance all mo-cap. Perhaps some evil Na'vi overlord or something. Sadly, the truth is a digitial/mo-cap performance will probably be the closest we'll ever get to a classic Arnie performance. Plus, it could be awesome.

HA, I totally wish I saw that.

I dunno, despite the middling-to-low grades this entire season has gotten, Dennis always points out the positives in each of this reviews, whether for the episode or for the show in general. His reviews are actually a lot less harsh than you might expect based on the grades.

I just watched this due to the glowing A, and I dunno…I enjoyed it, it was fun and all, but it never really reached the level of hilarious/inspired that I expect an A episode of Modern Family to get to. It was definitely a good episode and the last couple of scenes with the madcap farce were well done but it just fell

I've never seen a minute of this show, and I occasionally check in on the reviews (the frequent F's that popped up during Sims run at this show were always good entertainment). That said, this review by Sonia was genuinely sad in a way, and it kinda makes me glad I don't watch this.

A-, eh? Nice. I haven't actually seen any of the new season yet, but I'm glad it seems like Todd has come around on this show more. I remember last season being generally pretty fun and enjoyable but the grades were a touch harsh. Not that it was ever spectacular or anything, but still, it's such a bizarre show that I

It's all good stuff, although seasons 1-3 are really where it's at. It starts feeling pretty darn repetitive in 4 and 5 and generally not quite as funny, but I'd imagine if you were introduced with the show in either of those seasons you'd find it more fresh as you wouldn't be as hip to the shows material.

If only that was true…

She certainly has no trouble eating meat in "Camp Refoogee". I honestly can't recall if she's ever stated she's outright vegan, but I don't think she has.

Kill yourself Dave. Your life has been lived like a million times.

Right, I meant back on Earth though. I assume any Jeff we get this season will be peaking in on him in outer space.

Almost certainly worked on at the same time though. I've given this example before, but the season 6 premiere has Hayley and Jeff getting married, and it's 5AJN14, meanwhile later in the season they finally move in to the house in "The People Vs. Martin Sugar", which is 5AJN05.

What can I say, this show is worth going the extra mile for.

I thought he said "dexedrine" which being an abusable stimulant seemed much more up Rogers alley. I guess it could be "Dexatrim" though, I wouldn't put abusing a weight-loss drug past Roger.

Well, his voice is also all over Family Guy to a much larger degree. Not only does he play three Griffins (the main ones at that), but tons of supporting characters (Carter, Quagmire, Dr. Hartman, Tom Tucker, Seamus, etc) and even beyond that countless one-off characters and celebrities for cutaways and whatnot.

From Galileo……and Michelleeee.

Oh man, I loved that moment. I also loved how when we saw the commercial for buying a star, the last guy on the commercial is all "I may or may not buy a star, I haven't decided yet!"…like why the hell would they ever put that in a commercial? It's just the little things like that are just so wonderful.

We've been getting quite a lot of Bullock these past few weeks which is always great, and after checking out some of the promo photos of the next few episodes, we're getting even more. You can never have enough Stewart/Bullock, that's for damn sure.

Yeah, they've pretty much taken that about far as it goes. But it's not like I'd prefer he start speaking English. I think if he gets a line or two when he appears in a given episode, and the lines are funny, then it's perfectly fine. Like tonight claiming that the holodeck scenario was his cultures most "erotic of

Nah he's still roaming the universe last we've seen.