
Eh, probably a little of both. But I'm pretty sure a lot of writers over at AD are massive fans of Community and jumped at the chance to work on it. I saw Jordan Blums twitter around the time he joined and he was like SUPER stoked. And lets remember Chris McKenna worked on AD for 5 seasons then became instrumental to

Yep, Blum and Deay wrote three bona-fide American Dad classics, and I'm super stoked to see their ep for Community. Also another AD writer, Erik Sommers, joined the staff this year, and according to imdb he wrote next weeks episode. He wasn't my favorite AD writer, but he did give us "Home Adrone" and "Ricky Spanish".

All of the meta-stuff in episode one was pretty on-the-nose like that.

Eh, lets be real. It's Jonathan Banks, nothing about his presence on the show would rub a Community fan the wrong way.

I'm not quite as down on it as you are, but I agree the plotting was pretty contrived. I'm surprised so many people are so high on it because it wasn't particularly well done. It certainly didn't feel effortless like classic Community, but I'm just assuming now that they got everyone together things can really get

See, I guess I was just expecting MORE. I didn't think they'd reinvent the wheel here, but Harmons return is all anyones been talking about, and for my money they were only marginally different than a handful of season 4 episodes. I'm honestly curious what the reception to these would be if people didn't know Harmon

Very true, but there's no denying it's getting progressively worse here. Seems at first people weren't so quick to use it, now even innocuous comments get the button. For whatever it's worth, I didn't downvote you. I HAVE PRINCIPLES, DAMMIT.

It felt more natural than season 4, for sure. But they still didn't feel quite as real to me as the earlier seasons. I dunno, maybe they've been tainted by last year, but I need to see more.

That's your least favorite phrase on the internet? I'll probably get downvoted to hell for saying this, but that's silly.

I don't know, was the second one really that much better? The whole "A- revolt" thing felt kind of undercooked and the B-plot was an excuse for Abed to a Nic Cage impression, which IMO wasn't that funny. They were pretty equal in terms of quality, but I only think the second gets the slight edge because of the

I didn't see much of a difference in the main group, but I did notice that both Chang and the Dean had much funnier material, which to be fair is probably just as impressive, considering how annoying and OTT they've gotten. The dean dressing up Jeff's stoic face was another one of my laugh-out-loud moments.

"Want me to cut your meatball?"

B-, B

I'll probably get downvoted to hell, but was I the only one who found this pretty darn underwhelming? It was funnier than the average season 4 episode - even if I only laughed out loud twice - if not still a bit hit or miss in the joke department, but my issues were more that the characters were still REALLY

If we can count animated sitcoms American Dad has plenty. But then again 3-4 of the eps I'm referring to were co-written by Chris McKenna, so not a shocker I guess.

Well, most shows get worse over time regardless, and perhaps since the "laugh-track" genre is so stale and repetitive, there's less and less shows able to make a quality product while utilizing it. But then a few shows do figure out how to make a solid, enjoyable multi-cam sitcom, but can only sustain it for so long

Hayleys song was one of my favorites (they were all great though). I loved how she got so excited over getting them a tub of popcorn. Anyway, I keep rewatching this one, it's bloody brilliant.

Yeah, I kinda hate that I don't love it, or even like it all that much. Not that it's all bad, but I rewatched the entire series (maybe my fifth total run through) prior to the release, and lets just say if season 4 was even close to the quality of any of the original three seasons, Arrested Development would have

I find it tough to not separate comedy and drama…so I'm going to.

Sad to see the episodes list go, that was always fun.