Five Times Longer

Are you remembering more than just his first scene, coaching the basketball game? That's the only time I remember him seeming like you describe. So a) we didn't know the character yet and b) it was a contentious motherfuckin scene; maybe even then he wasn't like that the rest of the time?

I have it too AND my favorite songs are ryan 1's as well, although The Sound of Love and the opener Be Strong Now are nicely done too.

I have it too AND my favorite songs are ryan 1's as well, although The Sound of Love and the opener Be Strong Now are nicely done too.

Beady Eye music, mate.

Beady Eye music, mate.

That's not really fair. Wasn't it, ironically, the documentary 'Imagine' in which Lennon dealt very calmly and reasonably with a trespasser on his property?

That's not really fair. Wasn't it, ironically, the documentary 'Imagine' in which Lennon dealt very calmly and reasonably with a trespasser on his property?

Sorry, was just joking. Thanks though!

Sorry, was just joking. Thanks though!

What is the point of a review like this if it's not going to tell us where we can get a DVD?

What is the point of a review like this if it's not going to tell us where we can get a DVD?

Would you say that about Tom Petty?

Yes. Yes you do.

You give yourself too much credit.

I think it's supposed to be a reminder.

Saw an episode in London last month where they sent him on Route 66. It's the only episode I ever saw, so apologies if it's from the first season, but I assume it's from this one.

I know it doesn't make for great reading, but the part where Kramer and Mickey are fighting over who's going to sit next to which woman, and they keep changing which woman they're fighting to sit next to, as if they're still trying to decide, that's about as hard as I've ever laughed.

It's this:

I like the new Noel tracks individually, but the record is so homogenous. I don't especially enjoy listening to the whole 40 minutes of nonstop epic-choly. The album could use a Bag It Up or Shock of the Lightning (or Lyla or Bell Will Ring), even if there's a much higher hit percentage on it than on any Oasis album