
I did look it up right after I posted that and I'm in even more love with who is lined up to play Alpha.

I must say that I really enjoyed the aspect of seeing other Dolls in action for more than five seconds. I would like to see other Doll centric episodes.

I felt some sexual tension between the two, no doubt.

No, I gave up on lost middle of the second season. I felt that the show had jumped the shark and I found myself seeing the show becoming more and more ridiculous. So, maybe my comment doesn't apply to recent Lost, but definitively the direction Lost was headed in when I jumped ship.

I am in love with that theory, doctor. Also the theory that Alpha may be Caroline's thought-dead boyfriend.
From what I gathered, Topher graduated from Rossum College…that just makes the most sense to me.

I think Dollhouse funds Rossum because Rossum created Dollhouse as a way of gaining profit off of shady research. Rossum is the corporation behind Dollhouse. Dollhouse makes the dough and Rossum is the brains behind the dough that is being made.

I think most everyone deduced that?

So who else
is freaking out about next week's episode?
Okay…schoolgirl moment over.

I feel late to the party but here is my take:
I kept going back and forth on the whole "Was the message just to lead us on or was it legit?" Right now I think that it was a real message sent from Amy Acker. I would actually rather it be from Asian Assistant because I feel like we haven't seen enough of her…however it

More Amy Acker you say? Perhaps she is the man inside????

Speaking of acting abilities, how is the rest of the cast? I'm always intrigued to see if child actors have the ability to grow up and be successful actors without stumbling into a Walgreen's going "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

Same thing happened to me. I'll tell you who waits on the internet: Communists! That's who.

…I'm a leaf in the wind….

I like Dushku. I'm hopeful that next week's episode as well as the one's that are supposed to be more "Joss-y" will show off more of her range, and we'll maybe get away from variations of a kick ass secret agent. Although, with that being said -this show is an action show. I would be pretty bored if all I saw for an

Commie Superman, then Dark Knight, then Watchmen.

Something that, with the help of the A.V. Club, I will hopefully be able to appreciate.

I find..
…it fascinating that the introduction of his first interview starts as thus:
"Known for his detached, almost childlike observational humor…"
However, in his second interview there is a whole portion about the definition of "cerebral."

On the Catholic calender, today is the day for The Patron Saint of Shit.

But! But!
Holy Shit! It's gonna be awesome!

Crank 2: The Prank Heart Yank