
Right. Some things:
A) I like Neil Gaiman's 90s- early 00s stuff because Amanda Palmer's an insensitive bastard:
1) She staged raped a Katy perry lookalike with Margaret Cho at a concert
2) She disparaged criticism from Disabled and handicapped people about her evelen evelen project
3)She faked a suicide as a "wake up"

no, I get it. I liked her show, but yeargh.

no, I get it. I liked her show, but yeargh.

Unfortunately, Roseanne's been pretty conspiracy minded and transphobic during her presidential run and on her twitter feed.

Unfortunately, Roseanne's been pretty conspiracy minded and transphobic during her presidential run and on her twitter feed.

People who are saying it was consensual: what if this kid didn't know Clash's age when they chatted via e-mail? There is still room for manipulative abuse in a consensual relationship. Yes it's depressing that this is Elmo,but let's have perspective on what we might be dealing with here, damn it.  This man is  a human

People who are saying it was consensual: what if this kid didn't know Clash's age when they chatted via e-mail? There is still room for manipulative abuse in a consensual relationship. Yes it's depressing that this is Elmo,but let's have perspective on what we might be dealing with here, damn it.  This man is  a human

For the record, he did support the contras against Sadinistas for their treatment of the metistzos, so yes, he did have a conservative side, but what did he disagree with  the AIM on?

For the record, he did support the contras against Sadinistas for their treatment of the metistzos, so yes, he did have a conservative side, but what did he disagree with  the AIM on?

So? a lot of mainstream atheists are judgemental assholes. Seriously, just look up Sam Harris' support of the Iraq War or Dawkin's assumption that muslim women are completely helpless AND the riots weren't just about the stupid movie, they were about imperialism. Ahem, eh sorry. Got on my socialist soapbox for a

So? a lot of mainstream atheists are judgemental assholes. Seriously, just look up Sam Harris' support of the Iraq War or Dawkin's assumption that muslim women are completely helpless AND the riots weren't just about the stupid movie, they were about imperialism. Ahem, eh sorry. Got on my socialist soapbox for a

But the critiques are from handicapped and disabled people. Amanda isn't handicapped and really, why would something that's supposed to be cute and funny joke about something like child pornography? Dark humor, sure, but seriously.

But the critiques are from handicapped and disabled people. Amanda isn't handicapped and really, why would something that's supposed to be cute and funny joke about something like child pornography? Dark humor, sure, but seriously.

I see you prefer Courtney Love or is it an ironic avatar? Love is just as not good although the Dresenden Dolls and Neil Gaiman are great, Courtney never really was in any of these past two decades

I see you prefer Courtney Love or is it an ironic avatar? Love is just as not good although the Dresenden Dolls and Neil Gaiman are great, Courtney never really was in any of these past two decades

I hate to  be that guy, but Amanda Palmer's an asshole:
sorry, but I really would like to know everyone's thoughts on these actions