
Derpy Hooves was removed because it was an ableist character, dumbass.

actually, Qaddafi was pretty west friendly and happily participated in the banning of immigrants in Italy and ignored how his congressmen were attacking black africans:

When has he spoke about them?

well, considering that Israel's screwing over Palestine, the crazy man has abstractly a good point. The arab stereotypes have been done to death and I don't think another is needed. Not that Assad and Qaddafi were saints by any means, but seriously.

"Michael Moore is such a divisive figure that even people who subscribe
to his political beliefs frequently hate his guts. I am one of those
people. I believe in just about everything Moore says, and find
everything about him insufferable. There are many reasons to hate
Michael Moore: his endless self-aggrandizement;

Yea, I like Moore even if he's naive in regards to Obama(still not willing to go for the jugular), but I'd say he's got a midwestern earnestness too.

And Mike white's usually pretty good tv writer. Ever seen Freaks and Geeks?



But you seem to like the Sopranos and enlightened. Are they not 'white" art, so to speak?

Is the guy in your photo Lars Von Trier?

Demon days is the best fucking album for an apocalypse ever. Plastic Beach is good, but too damn happy in spots.

I wouldn't have grown to embrace a variety of hip hop and post punk if  it weren't for Gorillaz. that Train map of musical tastes in Rise of the Ogre is fucking brilliant.