
This could have benefited from being twice as long

Has Ace Attorney even made it to the US yet?

Miike is such an oddly diverse director that I'd love to see him reach out into pure action like this more often

The censored version is a national treasure, what with all the boobs being edited out with cartoon bras

Another quality film from a man named McG

Sadly i don't think the judges would have accepted my answer of "That guy, the fat one, with the F name"

Just finished all the new episodes. Zoe's death might have helped the series in the long run, as I found the flaws of the first season to be greatly muted this year,. it still suffers from "Frank is unbeatable" issues, but all the storylines were engaging unlike half the stuff Claire was involved in in season 1.

I have a stronger connection to Tofu than i have to most of the RE cast post-RE4


Fun Fact: Don't type in "Frank Underwood" on google because it spoils the ending of season 2 right at the top

11 episodes in and I can say there are far less glaring flaws than last year, aided by having the female characters written a little better as well as far less weird speeches from Frank about metaphorical spiders trapped in wine glasses.

House of Cards releasing in the middle of one of the most dead periods of tv and sports is absolutely perfect. Outside of Sunday night's it seems almost every show has taken a few weeks off and I'm getting desperate. The unholy combination of post-Super Bowl, pre- Spring training Games, Olympic Break/NBA All-Star

Releasing a new album last year, especially one that was so good, will make it even worse knowing that he never lost his touch even in his advancing years


OK, 4 minutes into season 2 here are my thoughts:

, he knows me

Thanks to the grueling nightshift that has ruined my sleep patterns for the last 6 months, I'm going to be able to catch these new House of Cards episodes the moment they go online.

When Bowie ascends back up into whatever spaceship brought him here I will not stop sobbing

Continuing my thoughts on 30 Rock from last night: