existential pretension

The only laugh I got was from Sarah Silverman.

How has Parks and Recreation not earned Top Pick? IT DESERVES IT, PEOPLE.

Phil's channeling the spirit of Sonia's Hostages reviews again.

I give it a B. It was funny, but Leslie and Ben always have this tiny spats, resolve them easily, then go back to being the perfect couple.

I'm having a blast, but I'm growing more and more concerned that Conrad is being replaced by Victoria as the Big Bad. I really hope that doesn't happen. I've been waiting for the Victoria-Emily 'Conrad Take-down Alliance' for way too long.

This needs to be the last season. Something needs to shake up the show, and the only way (in my opinion) to do that is to have an endgame. Personally, I think five or seven seasons is abut the perfect amount for show to have, but in order to succeed, it really needs to have a game-plan and satisfying arcs to close out

B+ for me. I thought this was much stronger than the 100th episode, which was definitely a disappointment.

Guilt, adultery and adultery confront a virgin soldier and a millionaire detective in Boston

Guilt, adultery and adultery confront a virgin soldier and a millionaire detective in Boston

I'm juggling a few right now. Started The Count of Monte Cristo (the Robin Buss translation) which, so far, is a thrill.

But…but… I thought sitcoms were the lowest form of television.

That is all.

There are hot men with scars and Amy Poehler and Tina Fey are funny. So…we have that.

Wait, this isn't Hostages.

…what is this place?

God, thank heavens I watched Killer Klowns From Outer Space last week. That would've been the one that hurt the most.