
Amazon Instant Video usually has Childrens up a few hours after it airs. It's been over 12 hours and it still isn't up for this episode. I'm loosing my mind.

It very much was not. It was Rudd.

Nope, it's Rudd.

I'll bet Michael Richards is thrilled that he's no longer the most-hated UHF cast member.

Since when is CBB "pretty much about celebrity-self promotion" ???


Yesterday was unofficial Rob Riggle day. His AWESOME WTF. Serial Optimist ran a really great interview with him. And he killed it on Childrens Hospital. MORE ROB RIGGLE ALWAYS!

Guest Cast
"Both Ian Roberts and Matt Besser, UCB founders, were in this one. Along with Aukerman, it's quite an alt-comedy bigshot night"

I definitely think Chris Pratt deserved a nomination this year. I couldn't compare him to Nick because they're far too different, but Andy (and Jean-Ralphio) were the highlights of this past season for me.

Obligatory Nerd Question
Was that Chad Carter as the voice of the not-the-regular-announcer? It sounded like him but it was so short I didn't really get a good listen.

Awards Are Stupid…
But they'd be less stupid if they went to the right people.