
"Come on, movie! Give me Korean snow clowns!"

Yeah, who needs individual music review articles anyway! Piffle!

The full black Willow eyes always give me shivers.

This album is the bee's knees. The snake's hips. The porcupine's fibula.

They killed the "Ride Free Zone" downtown a few years back, so outside the occasional RapidRide horrorshow the buses are much cleaner these days.

Yep, same here.

This feature was a great throwback to the glory days. Fantastic reviews to boot. It will be missed.

Welp, there goes the last feature that kept me coming back to this dried out, soulless husk of a pop culture site. Farewell, AVC. If anybody needs me I'll be hanging out at old TV Club Classic reviews, slammin' beers and remembering the good old days.

Please do! It was so much more effective than the aired cut and really benefits from the extra time to breathe, unlike the Pegasus extended cut.

It was way crazier than the Jon Snow thing. Even the midseason Pegasus cliffhanger was more intense than that. I couldn't even lift my jaw off the floor after either of them, and no one had any idea when new episodes were coming out. The closest analog I can come up with is the first time I saw TNG's BOBW part 1.

I knew I recognized him from somewhere! Love "Wristcutters." Now I'm even more interested in this show.

Bowie, Prince, and now this?! Say it ain't so!

Check yourself before you Shrek yourself.

*sheepishly raises hand*

Keep telling yourself that, sheeple.

You couldn't be arsed to link to the actual tumblr page in this article?

I think you misspelled "a triumph of Sony's insanely complicated guerrilla marketing tactics."

Guardians of the Galaxy was dull and joyless. It might as well have had a laugh track and a giant neon flashing sign that reads "APPLAUD NOW" or "FEELINGS NOW" when appropriate.

Yeah… no.

This show happened.