Are we sure this isn't just another retooling of Up All Night?
Are we sure this isn't just another retooling of Up All Night?
It's from a Hanukkah card Jack Kirby did.
This could be a lot of fun if it was done well. Of course, doing things well means not hiring the two-headed mediocrity monster known as Orcurtzman, but still, if it was done well I'd be looking forward to it.
I always figured the entire purpose of these things was for aging bands to fuck the hotter of their aging fans.
Record companies have stopped being about "doing" or "producing" things for years now, and base all of their business plans on suing people. They're essentially professional, full-time patent trolls.
I will not hear a bad word against Gremlins 2.
I don't think I've ever heard a fun. song I didn't hate. They sound like their greatest ambition is to play at every prom ever, and that puts them firmly in the Nickelback category to me. Every song sound self-important, and humorless, and self-serious.
I grew up in New Orleans, and it always catches you off-guard what's normal there that no one else has. The drive-in daquiri places, the food, and the weekly burning corpse piles are all examples of that type.
I'm still saving up for David Carradine's hotel suite.
So Wayne Coyne finally heard Tick-Tick, I guess?
You pledge the artist money, the artist uses the money to buy cocaine, the cocaine gives them the energy to finish the album.
Oddly, he hates you but she loves you. It never seems to work out.
Why would they do such a thing? Do they want us all to suffer?
I'm thinking, at a minimum, to top the current season, we need to see in the next season:
animal necrophilia
a manticore
William Shatner, preferably in drag
Quvenzhané Wallis as an immortal, 13,000 year old necromancer
a romantic subplot between the manticore and William Shatner
lizard people, a la David Ickes
David Ickes
Breaking Community notification: Every single human being on Earth, except for Chevy Chase, to be on fifth season of Community.
Movies = not cult.
EU = Cult.
Gene Shalit minus Gene Siskel plus Gene Wilder.
It's the director's cut, with the whole vampire subplot restored.
Catherine O'Hara actually got cast, I think, and quit when Mr. Mike pulled the infamous "DANGER" stunt and scared her off.
My DVR keeps missing it, which I don't entirely understand.