Floyd Bent Son

Larry Flynt is right!
Uh, I mean, Claire Z is right. "The baby looked at you?" Chief Wiggum is one of the funniest characters on one of the funniest TV shows of all time.

Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine. I guess that's why several of us died of tuberculosis.

A certain soft drink has been found to be lethal… we'll tell you which one after weather and sports.

Interesting point about Seinfeld. I've noticed for myself that while I loved the show when it was on, I no longer enjoy the reruns very much, and have sometimes wondered why that is.

I hope the course really was called "Human Fucking Sexuality".

I thought they drank vodka until the room did the spinning.

"Area Man Always Nostalgic For Four Years Ago"

That article about recall bias wasn't as good as I remember it being.

Well, Skinner, I'm very impressed with my latest visit to your school. I'm going to give it a 10 out of 10. I'll just write down the zero first… now a vertical line to indicate the 1. Hmm, I can't seem to pick up this coin; it seems to be wedged between these two blades of grass.

Irony emerj's?

How can you have seen very little Simpsons?

If it makes the purists feel any better, I've never been to Chicago, and I've heard of the Sears tower but never knew it was renamed the Willis tower until reading this thread.

Yeah, when I first saw the title, that's kinda what I thought this was going to be about. Songs that are "classics", but they're played so much that it's impossible to hear them with fresh ears, and they end up sounding cliched.

Interestingly, this was the second time a black person has watched a Garth Brooks performance.

Actually, as a mathematician and a writer, I dislike it when any number larger than 100% is written as a percent. I prefer constructions like "more than two and a half times".

I firstied your mother last night, Trebek!

This reminds me of the time I lost all my money to some card sharks and then my dad Tom Bosley had to get it back.

If life gives you onions, make onion rings.

It's like Reggie Dwight says, "Sad songs say so much."

I agree. Maybe not technically the "saddest" in the strictest sense of the term, but it had a painful honesty a lot of us are reluctant to share, a la that "Pathetic Geek Stories" comic that used to appear in the Onion, but a bit more detailed.