Floyd Bent Son

My laugh was heartfelt.

The blood spurt thing
with Homer and Burns near the end was a great piece of physical comedy. There was some clever progression there. For me, that was a very heartfelt laugh in an otherwise non-stellar episode.

I have a beer coaster
signed by Mr. Dressup.


They're almost like the Jay Leno's of popular music. Or maybe Sinbad would be another good example. Even if their creative output isn't for you, they seem like they're probably likable good guys.

Fuck Poop.

My favourite British sitcom is "I Cahn't Get Me Brar On."

I heart Curvy McBoobs, aka Casey Wilson. She can talk to me in a low quasi-masculine voice anytime.

I'm listening, depent, and I agree with you.

When I woke up, David Letterman was talking to Alias.

You guys suck.

You know what I think is absolutely hilarious about John Frusciante?

But then you won't read my comment, which is "Conan sure was cool on Late Night."

My band is called "Bezovce".

It's funny to see these guys mentioned today. Just last night, I thought about POTUSA for the first time in forever, because I noticed they're playing my city in April — in a small venue two blocks from me, on a Tuesday.

I don't like the anonymous hate directed at specific commenters.

They're actually looking for a Cop Yeditor. They need somebody to yedit their cops.

Christmas Vacation was reasonably amusing, even if it doesn't have the "classic" status that the first one did, and I'm guessing Chevy was right around 45 for that one.

A rule you can live by: if you're flipping around channels, and you suddenly come across Chevy Chase in something, but he's over 45, then keep looking.

Yeah, if I had to choose between "Hey look! It's currently popular entertainer Amy Winehouse!" and "Hey look! It's 1970s sitcom character Herb Tarlek!" I'd have to choose the latter. At the very least, there's a modicum more creativity involved in thinking of more obscure, outdated pop culture references to throw