
Four seasons is just about the perfect series length for comedies. Look at what would have happened if HIMYM had lasted that long. Plus it's a good microcosm of life, which is why it's also a good electoral term length.

Hetero female. Shipping them.

I still like him.

Your president can't have people hearing swear words on TV. It'll turn you all into drug dealers and then he won't get a break from personally murdering them or thinking of creative ways to do so.

The arguments against insanity fall through with a soft Schurring sound…

You are season 1 of The Good Place, because you are all living together under a tortuous situation. We are season 2 of The Good Place, because we are being split up from our 27 closest friends.

Kansas? Really? Home of Dorothy and the Winchesters? Doesn't seem that bad. I've heard pretty terrible things about Idaho, and I generally think there might be a reason Randall Flagg spent so much time in Nevada. I would imagine that if a US state is the Good Place, it's either Vermont or Rhode Island (the latter of

Perhaps the fault in logic is with the assumption that there can be such a thing as a Good Place. Perhaps if you are a truly selfish person as were these 4 in life, you go to a Bad Place that is bad entirely *because* it is designed, as opposed to what happens to actual good, selfless people i.e. atomically becoming

It would have been amusing if he had suddenly found himself with his leg stuck in the clock.

Not lame. Fitting with the true nature of morality. No matter how many evil things you do, you will ultimately find inner peace as long as you can forgive yourself.

Snow should have gone and Charming stayed to look after Neal. Then they can have character development as individuals and Snow could have confusing feelings for James.

Perhaps Cora was doing her taxes at the time and so she realised she couldn't afford to both keep the baby and climb socially.

'If Henry is just recording, how can Hades being taken down happen?' Henry will use his Author status to recreate the Hades pages. That was stated in the episode.

Just because those shows existed in Tommy Westphall universe doesn't mean that they are all inside his head, just that he's experienced them. Even St Elsewhere doesn't have to have been inside his head; he could easily have been seeing through a portal enabled by his autism.

I've been watching it on Netflix. I saw that episode about four weeks ago, and I had also forgotten about it.

Daughter's stepdaughter's grandson = step-great-great-grandson (?)

Indeed. I mean the guy literally believed himself to be Jesus, and so did his Author.

The only below-par flashbacks in Lost S3 were in episodes 1, 3 and 9. 6 and 15, while not overly interesting, are saved by being relevant to Kate's state of mind.

Dark hair yes, hook for a hand no. She should have said 'pirate's voice' instead of the first.

"They arrogantly believe they can help all the souls there." Well, why not? Lyra and Will managed it and they were only 12, two-thirds-present, and dealing with all the souls ever.