dr. strangemonkey

They also pay their people pretty well and do other neat things.

Man, that Mom was orders of magnitude better than the million moms types I deal with.

I'm not certain that resources are the first motive behind colonialism - historically the first motive is having a mobile, competitive, and semi-competent elite that can be productively made less of a problem 'at home' by draining them off in adventurism. Resource exploitation is part of the deal, but it's rarely the

We just get so many of the 'deserves' kind and so few of the 'needs.'

Finally, the hero America needs not deserves.

That's no moon, that's a copy-editor!

Yeah, for a movie where few creative lessons had been learned the actual characters were fairly adaptive.

I think Mr Lisa Goes to Washington is incredibly clearly on the side of 'Isn't Capra a wonderful lie?'

I actually think that close election hinged on a wealth of other factors.

Honestly, I find people are really into not doing that with stupid and unethical behavior on the part of 'teammates.'

I suspect it's more that they consistently disliked the distorting influence senior citizens had on American political life in general and thought SS as 'the third rail' was a symptom of that.

I'm not certain that's a fair take on the Daily Show's view of nonpartisanship and I certainly don't think that's fair to what the Simpsons was doing.

Did they do it at all well compared to the Simpsons of the 90s?

I think it's worth noting that the Simpsons has been pretty explicit on intelligence not being worth much of a damn either.

I'm fairly certain it will be mystical and it will have to do with the Living Weapons storyline from Iron Fist. Which could easily have Dr. Strange tie-ins if convenient.

Ninja Gaiden has taught me more than any given roomful of PhDs.

I am an Armada fan. So good.

God I love Detective Chimp so much.

Yeah, it's worth noting:
Replicators make a generic tomato.
Teleporters recreate a [i]specific[/i] tomato including a lot of elements of its environment.

I've often thought that their honor system is entirely tracked and taken care of by the monitoring computers in a way that means Fed citizens maybe have to spend an hour a month thinking through Any/All of their economic transactions.