
Social D
Has made nothing but killer albums (with possibly the exception of Prison Bound) for the last 30 years. I now rank their releases in order of greatness (Best to worst):

Whovian, I'd rather see a movie where Russell Crowe Beats Russel Brand's Head against a curb, yelling "Who's Your Daddy."

I'm actually quite impressed
I didn't think that Oompa Loompas could read, let alone write a whole book of words.

Cookie? Cookie Googleman!?
Does this sound familiar? "I'm not wearing underwear…"

2010 will go down as
The year I really got into The Badbrains. Truely fantastic stuff…

"That and a pair of testicles."

Abuse scene take thirty six… action… FAP-FAP-FAP-FAP-FAP!

This guy
Really likes to make movies about chicks getting abused that he doesn't have to write himself. Makes me wonder…

I love that his new official signature…
Is this ————————-> :) <————————————

KOL Was an awesome band. Then they released an album that had one great song that was driven into everyone's head and that real music fans got REALLY sick of.

As a Catholic, I take offense at all of you referring to Scientology as a religion. Call it what it is- a scam.

On the note of Green Day, Critial Acclaim does not = Better Music.

Replacements = Awesome
Dyslexic Heart = Steaming Pile.

He should be shot for desert rose.

The Offspring
I think they have to be the worst flop I've ever seen. From releasing Smash on the Epitaph Label (which was a great punk album that got too big to get any punk credit) to well… everything afterwards. I don't think anyone mentions them because it's such an embarrassingly horrible flop. Just Terrible. Each

No mosque, but a new musical called "Jihad" will open at the theater across the street at the same time. All of the tickets to this show will be available at the discount kiosks, as they are all one way and audience members end up in the 9/11 theater at the end of the show.