
You pulled it back with the disbarred line. Very nice. 10 points.

Seen as a withering takedown of the death and violence perpetrated on the rest of the world to give the west its luxuries (i.e. the meat in its mouth) then I think this song actually works. It is death for no reason and death for no reason is murder; and we are all complicit.

I was holding out for him to be cast as Dr. Strange himself. Damn that Benjamin Cummerbund!

How would you know you're not one of them?

Yeah, the guy who grew up in Northern Ireland in the 60's and 70's knows nothing about guns.

I wish they'd come back for one more episode just so they could use my joke where Josh calls the RNC for something and is put on hold and we have a big, talky scene at the RNC headquarters and as they're wrapping up someone remembers Josh and says/sings "Oh, that douchbag Josh Lymannnn is still on the

I've seen the 'I don't speak English' a few times (here and Family Guy I believe), but here is the original and best. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Maybe we should lose the sax solo.


Can I use this chair?

I once wrote a paper on this movie and defended it vigorously in film class. I have never seen this movie. Good times.

Bland protagonist who keeps coming back each issue to experience more horrors? Do you mean the reader?

Yes, that is amazing. I went with What's Opera, doc because of the sad ending though.

It obviously should have been called "Now You See Me: The Turn" and retroactively renamed the original "Now You See Me: The Pledge". Can't wait for "Now You See Me: The Prestige" in 2017.

Do they have to tell deep, meaningful stories? I never cried at a Bugs Bunny cartoon and they were awesome. Okay, maybe 'What's Opera, doc?', but what did I expect in an opera.

"This episode really was amazeballs."

The codenames of the devices used to take down the communications in Hawaii were Paddington and TimeLord. Jolly good show.

Saw them at a small bar on their Happy Days tour. Best show of my life.

Good News Everyone. We're going to Six Flags.

I was abandoning my kids and having my lifetime extended through the effects of wormholes on time dilation before I was paid to abandon my kids and have my lifetime extended through the effects of wormholes on time dilation.