Fountaining Nerd Rage

True. But it's also an example of movie quality with and without Tom Cruise.

Way of the Gun was better.

Sleeper was amazing. Now I get to hope Affleck won't screw it up too badly

You're probably already watching Agents of SHIELD and Person of Interest, which would be the closest thing right now


I had given up on it in the middle of Season 3. It's wasn't BAD, but it had slipped enough and I was busy enough it was an hour better spent doing other things. Your statement and this review means I'll probably have to cram it all down this weekend.

**Places anyone involved with this project on an Allied Transport**

They reported on a Bourne sequel a few weeks ago. I guess we'll get both

Its entirely possible that the police recovered the body and sat on it while tracking down Hunt. Remember Ethan's line about these guys not being there for their brains, it's possible they might not have known who he was. Or they did recognize him, and just left him in the river.

I imagine 2 hours of both sides walking into the bathroom in slow motion

The Andy's can refer to him as Ethan Cunt….

Well, it was stated that no one knew he was there, and the body was used as a decoy floating down the river. Even if the US government did notice that Russian police killed him it's difficult to accuse anyone while the Russians are yelling about American agents blowing up the Kremlin.

Sorry, the puns are the next thread up

So what is Adam Sandler as a shoe repairman worth in comparison?

you heel

Trust Adam Sandler to fuck up a good dessert

So, Cable Guy with shoes?

I had a similar experience after the consumption of much spicy Thai food.

Or 1 Rough Draft by Neal Stephenson

1 book copied is a felony