But they had sound in Serenity.
But they had sound in Serenity.
Fuck that guy.
As rampant as they are and such low-hanging fruit, I love double post responses.
Poison Ivy
Is she not the most 'bate-inducing cartoon chick ever?
Just that poster.
Really enjoyed The Fighter. I knew Bale was supposed to be good and he definitely was. I just had no interest in ANOTHER underdog sports movie, but it's better than that. Check it out.
Oh, and just in case you haven't seen it, the best "Shreds" video EVER:
I think BOTT was the pinnacle. They've yet to convince me they'll make another record with "McFearless" "Black Thumbnail" "True Love Way" and "Arizona"-like quality. Every song on that record is gold.
I mean, it's had a troubled production cycle but I think your insinuation is a bit rude.
Can't believe these people fell for that, Justice. Nice bait.
Hey now. Davies owned those twitches in LOST.
I'd like to, but I'll just need your email first.
Maybe one here or there, but missing three whole episodes will be pretty substantial.
That's it! Keep it up!
C'mon! Go for another, Sarge!
Look at the old guy's hair right around the ear. Looks like some of my Scantrons after I change my answers.
Is that why you reference a museum in your name?
I totally read that line in Freeman's voice and laughed out loud at work. It's especially imagining him tilting is head back and widening his eyes. Thanks, Buttfuck.
That photo Vulture made is awesome.