
Oh, come on, nobody? OK, here's the joke:

Wow, no replies, eh. Yeah, I'm a bit conflicted about him. Loved Season 4 of his show—must give him props for that.

HA! Sorry, but I lived in San Francisco for years, and I've been to the "real" neighborhood where Tupac grew up many times: Marin City.

I completely agree. Whenever I watch one of his elaborately staged performances, I always think, "Man, this would be SO much better without Kanye." The staging, lighting, video, musicians, and backup singers are fantastic, and then you're stuck with this screaming moron crapping all over the whole thing—hey Kanye, can

Yeah, Taco has always sucked. He's a weird guy—who gets hot chicks! Hee-larious! No wait, really, really tedious! At least he doesn't sing a goddamn song every episode anymore.

She also wrote Footlocker instead of Foot Locker, and "begs the question" instead of "raises the question." Boo!

That is some serious shit in the biker world. Wearing a three-piece rocker is taking your life in your hands already, but putting a location on it declares that you own that area—you knowingly or unknowingly just declared war on the dominant outlaw gang in that area. Which is a bad thing.

No. Just, god… no.

Yeah, god help you if you listen to sports radio, Never. Stops.

Oh god, it sucks so much. They play it like every other commercial on sports talk radio. Be forewarned.

Good stuff—I loves me some '70s stoner metal. Another under-the-radar band that I don't see on this album, is Dust, which features none other than Marky Ramone on drums: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Being a 6-year-long episode of "Touched by an Angel" ruined Lost.

You're not my doppelganger!

Hey that's what meth is for, right?

So no more, "I found a mouse in my last burrito"? Score!

Well, I did I Joy Division-inspired cover of Rebecca Black's "Friday," But did I get a Newswire? Eat me, AV Club.

You know, I just went back and listened to some of the early albums and they're not what I remembered them being.

Took muh jerb!

Well, it WAS the heat of the moment.

I did the same thing with Helen Reddy's "I Am Woman," which I was certain would be heee-larious. (See, I'm a GUY—get it?)