The Ogre

This is EXACTLY why the US needs a stronger immigration policy.

My way involves Rohypnal, duct tape and a cigar cutter … if that's a problem.

My way involves Rohypnal, duct tape and a cigar cutter … if that's a problem.

Um …

Um …

You're thinking of "The Ghost See-er-er"

You're thinking of "The Ghost See-er-er"

Fair point.  That's significantly less realistic than his doctor character is slumming it for a bit.

Fair point.  That's significantly less realistic than his doctor character is slumming it for a bit.

Yep, still glad I cancelled HBO.

Yep, still glad I cancelled HBO.

Ahem …. Waterloo?

Ahem …. Waterloo?

Samoas are the best, but I don't see how you can possibly think they are good for you.  They make me fatter just looking at the box.

Samoas are the best, but I don't see how you can possibly think they are good for you.  They make me fatter just looking at the box.

Just what America needs:  another way to get fat …

Just what America needs:  another way to get fat …

Bob Loblaw

Bob Loblaw

So this isn't a heartfelt documentary about the importance of hairbraiding to spelling-challenged Jamaicans?