The Ogre

Most uncool part of the show.  You don't leave a man behind like that.

Real criminals shoot reall bullets and throw real punches?


Why is this show still on?

Herman's Head.  Just sayin'

"I Hate Fucked Your Teenage Daughter"

God is a sadist and an enormous dick.  That's pretty much a common thread running through the Old Testament.

I just blue myself

What makes you think Romney has ever touched a boob?

I really don't give a shit and, in fact, it's probably worse from the literalists perscpective that the bible is a little wrong instead of entirely wrong and something is a metaphor (they never seem to get this).  Just pointing out there might be some historical basis for Noah and other flood stories in history.

Or the flood was actually of a pretty limited area, but encompassed all the known world to Noah and his peeps.  This would also explain why there are other people alive and not part of Noah's offspring in later parts of the bible.  I believe the current theory is a very large natural dam broke somewhere in the upper

She's still Jenny from the block, yo!

I do kind of like Paprika.

Push … with dongs

It's the 40 Year Old Virgin, but not funny or really even entertaining.

Pssh.  As if "Bad Romance" wasn't the unofficial theme song of Arab Spring

Scarface v. Predator

Ok.  That makes way more sense than my first thought that Mark Zuckerberg is so rich he replaced the sky with a picture of his face.

I prefer to think of Brits as proto-Americans.  We, of course, had the good sense to stop living on a cold, wet island that the Continentals kept trying to invade.

So you're saying they can drink?