The Ogre

Sounds like Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, but not as funny

Probably, but you think he would have gotten enough penis jokes from The Tempest.

I would probably just have sex with her.

The ghost of Keith Moon is going to beat you to death with a Jack Daniels' bottle.

There is actually some truth to this — at least if you have kids in your 30s. You're basically disconnected from life that doesn't revolve around other parents with kids around the same age until the kids start sleeping through the night, will not wander out of the house and into the street without constant

Nobody puts baby in a corner!

Actually …
CBS has lots of gay characters —- they just aren't homosexuals.

"Marcus Welby, CIO"

My secret self is an actuary in Des Moine.

This guy was totally the Duck Phillips in his office.

Little known fact — Deep Throat's original name was "The Cocksucker" but Bernstein changed it in the last draft.

She plays both kinds of music …
country AND western.

Yep, plus the SAG is probably not too keen on requiring actors to smoke.

I think you might be forgetting the traits of deserting from the US Army during a war and being a serial adulterer


It's 1964. That shit is advertising gold to old women, as she says

Hell, he doesn't even have Phyllis Diller level skills

It looks like this is one tween …


Kid, what do you mean "now"?