
All I got from this was "Mad Men review". And maybe AHS.

There has been no "lull". Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

*All cough*

Patton Oswalt needs to return!!

Then stop following it.

"Critically acclaimed" is taking it a little too far.

B+? Really? It was better than that. Another awesome episode.


I was amazed by how brilliant this episode was and how they neatly ended things without it feeling forced because this episode, up until the last couple of minutes, plays like a normal episode. I think it's one of the best series finales ever.

No they're not. They're trying to be season one again like Heroes and are trying to be the cool show again. If they don't improve by the end of this season, then it's over. Mad Men or Breaking Bad or Boardwalk have no lame seasons.

Noah Emmerich will offer you a drink and then shoot you in the back of the head.

I think this show is absolutely fucked. Kill or write off Brody, you lose the best actor on the show and they'll never come up with an interesting terrorist plot than Brody in season one. Keep him on the show - fucked again because there's not much left to say about him. But I do still love the show and I want it to


It's good.

Goyer only wrote the screenplay for Batman Begins with Nolan and he only has story credit for TDK and TDKR, so that's a dumb thing to say. And, yes, fuck those assholes. This film is a masterpiece.

I love how preoccupied they are in finding the next Mad Men and Breaking Bad.

I agree. I dislike procedural shows, especially medical ones, and I dig this show so far and you're right that it is a serial drama. It's not like they're doing an episode on a patient every week. The Ethan storyline isn't something I'm heavily invested in, but I guess the point is to drive a further wedge between him

I'm loving the show so far. I am disappointed that the reviewer is three episodes in and is already upset that it's not a groundbreaking series yet. Seems strange considering the A-, B+, B+ grades. Other critics like Todd and Sepinwall seem to love it and they've seen the first six so I expect it to keep getting

But Walt died in 2010 in the show's chronology.

I can so see Odenkirk rocking his chair forward and awkwardly avoiding Frances McDormand's questions.