
Wow, I was just thinking of RPM the other day, so weird. Speaking of, how about The Strawberry Statement, Getting Straight, The Landlord?

How about The Swimmer, Little Fauss and Big Halsy, Little Murders, WUSA, The Laughing Policeman, The Big Fix…..

Many come to mind….
Allan Sherman, Zappa, The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, The Fugs, Lenny & Squiggy, Spinal Tap, Henson shit, The Dickies, Barnes and Barnes….

Abbie Hoffman
I would love to hear his take on the last 15 years. He was so fucking right, it's stunning. "This country will slowly kill itself in it's love for money, fear of it's safety over it's love of it's children, and most of all, it's lack of humor"

Dixie Square Mall in Harvey, Illinois
not even that far for you guys.

Great year, London Calling…
Drums and Wires, Duty Now for the Future, Reggatta de Blanc, Fear of Music, Grosses Wasser…many

Rupert Pupkin's King For A Night…
"King For a Night, Pupkin's best-selling autobiography…will be appearing next September as a major motion picture. Pupkin said he used his stay at Allenwood to sharpen his material. He said he and his people were weighing attractive offers…and he looked forward to resuming his show

Will never be…

The Bad News Bears
Many, many lines…but Everything said by Tanner Boyle, goes through my head just about everyday. Still makes me laugh. Is that somewhat odd?

It does for a bit, but not much. The closer of the LM game is hilarious. And I will say, it's kind of what I expected. I've heard other actors talk about him for years, seen him interviewed…"that's the Rook" as I heard Kevin Smith once say. I saw Benson post the other day that he was dead sober…so? It is a bit of a a

Too many come to mind….
Dignan: Did you ever have a touch to lose, man?

And not "That guy's a fuckin' asshole. Anybody who talks to that asshole is a fuckin' asshole" ? I love that.

Blue Valentine….
I just saw and I'm not in a hurry to revisit, but I did like it.

Every once in a while…
Crash Test Dummies' Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm. Fuckin painful.

Most famous line
…heard by only one person : "I don't want you going on fucking Letterman anymore!!"

They don't have kits in prison? C'mon Jim.

"Jeez!!! Doesn't anyone fucking knock any more?"

Agreed! Needs a band. Clapton was amazing in those band settings. But there is just maybe the age factor? In the words of Randy Newman, talking about Wonder : "Stevie drifted off into ballad land…look what happened, it's sad" There's just truth in it. Just saw Robbie Robertson asked about it the other day in an