yeah that's my main problem with this episode is that it makes New Hampshire look like some sort of Gay Disneyland.
yeah that's my main problem with this episode is that it makes New Hampshire look like some sort of Gay Disneyland.
yeah that's my main problem with this episode is that it makes New Hampshire look like some sort of Gay Disneyland.
well, it's got a fast temp if nothing else, and it's quite pretty-sounding.
well, it's got a fast temp if nothing else, and it's quite pretty-sounding.
at the risk of getting buried on the third page where no one will ever see this, here's mine which I don't think anyone's mentioned yet:
at the risk of getting buried on the third page where no one will ever see this, here's mine which I don't think anyone's mentioned yet:
I'm pretty sure the Russian got him.
i think some of you people are reading a little too much into it. I seriously doubt it was done as a "fuck you" to the audience. I think it's more of a case of a subpar actor combined with obvious time-filler status (which I do agree completely with, seeing as how there wasn't originally supposed to be a 6A and 6B)
i agree that the beating of the bodyguard is the beginning of Tony's descent and the end of his last chance for redemption.
yeah i agree… i doubt he's gonna be able to bust out his roladex and look that up.
i think he's definitely one of the most interesting character's on the show and Vince Curatola's portrayal of him is just about perfect.
i know that Johnny Sack is basically a bad guy and responsible for a lot of misery, but i still get pissed seeing how he's treated in this episode.
Sorry, Mario, but the princess is in another castle.
really more industrial than electronica.
yeah electronica totally did take off, just about 10 years or so later than expected. People like Deadmau5 are pretty much stadium-level acts at this point.
their recorded output is inconsistent but Crystal Method is a solid live act.
yes it was Johnny Cash. And a great episode too. I do agree about Schwinn's voice sounding like William S. Burroughs. I wonder if that was intentional.
personally, I'd go with the episode after Luxury Lounge, which is called "Johnny Cakes" as the show's worst episode ever.
i liked it.
yeah I can't imagine his family kept him that in the dark. Hell, even AJ figured out what was up when he was still in like middle school.