that's good to hear… haven't heard that one… may have to check that one out. i'm down with the dub reggae.
that's good to hear… haven't heard that one… may have to check that one out. i'm down with the dub reggae.
Phish, no question. But Juggalos are certainly much funnier to read about.
I actually got into them first via their later poppier stuff after I picked up Happy and 9 dirt cheap on cassette at a pawn shop. I wore those tapes out.
i would have agreed with you back in '06 when I saw these episodes for the first time, but after reading that Master of Sopranos blog and rewatching these episodes on DVD, I found that I liked them a whole lot better.
yeah I completely agree with Lieutenant Buttocks on this one. The cut to black definitely indicates death of his brain, but doesn't necesarily preclude that his "soul" or whatever exists in some form or the other, or is stuck in hell or purgatory, or somewhere nasty.
Yeah at least Brian Jonestown Massacre has occasionally great music to back up all the crazy… I'm really surprised these guys have been around so long. They always just seemed like a one-hit wonder to me. It'd be like if someone let Sponge put out 17 albums.
i could be reaching here but maybe it's also a meta-commentary on him being voiced by a female.
I'm assuming that John Swartzwelder is the Tipsy McStagger of the Simpsons writers universe.
enjoy college while you can because that's the last time in your life you'll ever actually have time to play Risk!
shit i was just watching a season 4 episode (that's considered to be the show's prime, right?) where Micheal Scott drives a car into a lake because the GPS tells him to turn right.
and come on.. it's still better than Up All Night. Not that Up All Night's terrible, judging from the 1.2 episodes I've seen.. but it's just not very funny, plus i don't really care about babies.
yeah this is the first i've ever heard of it…. maybe it was a much bigger deal in Australia… but it sounds like the dude was taking it way too hard…
plus that episode convinced me to pick up that John Cooper Clarke CD which is something I am very grateful for.
i never got the hate around here for Chasing It… personally I love that episode but I guess we'll be discussing it further somewhere around October or so.
they call me Totz Jr. One-Time… because I say everything one time!
Good God! If there's one thing on the Sopranos that I wish I could unsee.. it's when that fat kid steps on the turd in the shower.
i've often suspected the same thing… but then right in the middle you have "The Ride". No way was that one filler.
how does this shit keep happening? do entertainers just not realize that they are supposed to pay taxes every year?
but they don't let you give A Plusses anymore, which is bullshit
**has one last conversation with Tony via the magic of CGI**