Pants de Leon

Professionaly speaking
As a librarian I read a lot (shockingly), and in general YA means God awful first person prose. My bar is set pretty high for what I consider good writing but Melina Marchetta inches a lot closer to that bar than Neil Gaiman. Gaiman has an amazing ability to come up with plots/story ideas etc.

I crank "One Big Holiday" at full volume every now and again but I'm not diggin' MMJ's Prince impersonations these days. No Age gives me a case of the mehs, same with TOTR, not sure why I just can't get my groove on with those two.

I dig the Hold Steady. The latest was spotty but good. I don't know if Finn will ever top "Hoodrat Friend" - that's a band manifesto as song if ever there was one.

Are there any honest-to-goodness rock n roll bands left in the world? Not a band that "plays like the esoteric findings of private rites of passage" (whatever that means) but a solid rock group with some attitude and bounce to go with well written (and well played) songs. Last decent rock group I heard were the Whigs

Animal Collective -
ly blows.

Crosscutting subplots - Brooklyn's Finest

St. Petersberg - Cold Souls

hotel room of art - Bronson

Nazi Zombies - Dead Snow

Let's play name that movie
LA 80's New wave - The Informers

Let's play name that movie
80's New wave - The Informers

Greatest Rock Lyric Ever Written
Jesus rides beside me/He never buys any smokes

The same year the Cubs beat Miami in the World Series.

Thank you Amasea. Unlike normal car doors where you can manage to slid out the side, gull-wing doors would force you to slip underneath the door, which I am going to go out on a limb and say is not a fun way to exit your car.

No but I do have some used parts from a pinball machine.

yes indeed
I believe tight parking spaces may be a second problem.