audrey wb

Thank you for your reviews!! Schmidt and Cece are amazing together, their wedding was the most beautiful wedding <3 I love season 5 so much and these finale episodes were amazing too. We need more Schmidt!!! <3 Schmidt and Cece, Winston and Cece, Schmidt and Nick and guys and girls :D I am excited for Season 6 but not

Even they were not as fun as last week's episodes, I loved the episodes. There was so many things I loved. Especially Schmidt's happiness <3 Can't wait for Schmece wedding, it's gonna be amazing I am sure!!

Jess' stories bring the show down for me. She is weirder, more annoying and it's all the time. she doesn't change, doesn't grow up. Everyone else do and I love their stories. The gang minus Jess is amazing. I watch for them. I liked Schmidt, Cece, Nick and Winston. Nick and Cece need to share more scenes, as well as

Reagan was a great addition but I'd prefer Aly too, she is amazing! Now that Nasim has another show I hope she still stays as a guest star at least.

I am sure if there is a Season 6, we will get pregnancy SL. They are in their mid 30s, they gotta get on it :)

It's always been Schmidt for me too! I loved an episode focused on him. This was a long awaited episode! :D

Awww <3 wish they could afford the Lisbon but they held soon to be abondoned warehouse. Maybe things turn around? Regardless of where they get married, they are getting married and I friggin in love with them <333333333 I love Reagan as well! We are the same! lol

Yep! It was pretty successful, I loved it haha

I'd definitely love that lol

I think Season 4 was very successful too. S3 went downhill and I don't find S2 that much funny either ( I skip all slapstick NJ scenes). S4 and S5 so far have been so great. I laughed a lot every episode. That is success for a comedy show imo :)

NG is too short :(

Same here <3 :D

Nope. No such thing :)

She totally made up that bf!!!! It was so made up lol. Aly has a crush on Winnie too! I KNOW IT! LOL

Forbidden love :D Another ford add in disguise also. Genius imo :D
Schmece <3

Agreed so much!! :)

That quote is amazing, makes me Wnston too! LOL

Love all but for me Schmidt, Cece, Winston, Nick, Jess….

I like Zooey but I don't enjoy Jess for a long time. She is my least fave… Se has become so annoying through out the series. I am happy other characters could get more screen time this season. Winston shines. I want more Cece! She has great one liners in each episode but I want more of her! Nick and Schmidt,

I disagree. She is great in NG at least.