
I had a whale of a time watching this episode.

I finished the season this week, and Todd does get three dimensional, and I can't wait to see what his arc is going to be next season.

They're a lot of creatures in this world, and I guarantee that all of them know, the power of chips.

This episode was pretty cool-by. (I tried).

This episode isn't bad per se, but compared to other episodes of this season, I would consider it a dud.

I hope I'm not the only one to notice Jerry Seinfeld in a bee costume.

What are you doing here?!

Another great episode of Steven Universe. I had a realization after watching this episode tonight: there isn't one bad episode of Steven Universe. Sure, some episodes are better than others, but the show is made by a crew that is dedicated to making a great show, and that's all that I could ask for.

This was a pretty good episode. And with the last two episode, it was nice to get a breather episode.

This is easily one of the funniest episodes to date. All of the jokes had variety, and it all seemed in character.

This is one of the most visually impressive episodes in SU history. The shots of Empire City and Le Hotel were simply gorgeous.

I hope I'm not the only one that noticed the ham horn sounds during the Guacola announcement.

Remember when Simpsons guest stars would play actual characters?

I hate to be that one person who points out continuity errors, but I can't help myself. In "Boy Meets Curl" Lisa said that she got her pearls for being able to read at a twelfth grade level. But in this episode, they completely forget about that.

I was more offended that she was singing a cover than an original song.

I think the fight sequence would have been better if Stewie and Penelope fought more with gadgets and wit than with violence.

I think this episode is a great character study for Peter.

Overall, the episode was fine. The car and couch cutaway was my only main gripe with the episode.

I think 'The Wife Aquatic", is one of the shows top ten episodes, including all the seasons.