Skunk Ape

I hate defending Leno as much as the next guy, but the Sikhs really need to lighten the fuck up.

Hey, I liked it when the bad guy from Girl With the Dragon Tattoo played Orinoco Flow. It was one of the more unique and entertaining parts of an otherwise generic thriller.

I prefer Huffing Gasoline Core.

I just saw the trailer and DAMN does that look hardcore.

As a pungent beast man, I say: I have not seen this movie but it probably bites.

So that's what Larry Crown Affair was all about.

No, but I'm not an angry black man.


No, you're thinking of his 69-69-69 plan.

I recognized him from Elliot Gould cop movie "Busting", which is pretty good.

You can't spend your whole life jerking off.


Nah, they're just too naive and fundamentally decent to get it for free.

I may not know much about cold fusion, but I am pretty it sure it is not a literal crock of shit.

I tend to agree. Green energy is a crock of shit and coal and oil are too limited and polluting to use forever. Until we figure out how to use cold fusion or geothermal energy better, stick with nuclear when possible.

Or even a frozen peas commercial.

It was only funny the second time.

I have been bested.

I am beset by four score and nine woes, but a wench does not number among them.