cruor vult

Upvoted for mentioning Elite: Dangerous. Also for X-Wing Alliance.

It was very hard indeed to find that route. And of course that level had so many red herrings and non-important puzzles that you'd have to spend hours and hours just running around and trying everything else before the strange drawing in one of the ducts made any sense a map.

Does anyone know of a decent filmatization of An Enemy of the People? Or is Jaws the best one still?

Thrawn is superb. In the first trilogy, that is. The prequel stuff Zahn did later has a very different and much less interesting version of him.

Thrawn is arguably the best drawn character in the SW universe. He is building an empire through pure military and strategic competence, and Zahn makes it seem realistic and credible. Thrawn is a very original creation, too, while Mara Jade is more of a typical cyberpunk chick that has been written better by others.

Kevin J Anderson has some good ideas sometimes, but his writing just isn't good. After Jedi Search I'd had enough of him to last a lifetime.

1. Tie Fighter. Excellent flight engine, the right sounds, great level design, seeing things from the Imperial side, perfect difficulty that made a successful mission seem like an accomplishment, strong Star Wars atmosphere. Just superb, one of the best games of all time/all genres.

Indeed. Begin carpet bombed by a Tie Bomber… the starry sky looking somewhat realistic… the intro, with the camera flying through Nar Shaddaa… really good quality Star Wars soundtrack… inventive levels… a real story… fighting with lightsabers…

But it's one of the easiest levels… the game pretty much takes you through it. No shooting or anything.