Super Karate Monkey Death Bike

"Dave… I need a new chair"
"WOOOOOO! The lights go out and the love talk starts!"

WHO TOLD YOU about the Secret of Management?

I *think* that was an NBC ordered episode a la Rat Funeral (promoting the Dilbert TV cartoon, which was a thing).

Me too.

I'm gonna start at the end and work my way back, do you like Ernie and Bert?

Matthew… what say you go now?

"You know, my mother avoided all physical contact… something to do with germs, she said."

You should've see it coming… but it was still fucking perfectly hilarious.

"Where are you from?"
"Boise! … …"

At least we'll always have Smatthew and Evil Jimmy.

Geek test!

I can't upvote this enough.

"who's the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the chicks?"
"I thought we'd all enjoy that…"

… Aw, man, I *just* realized why Dave giggles after Lisa yells at him through the door "Dave, are you coming?!?" right after he discloses to Beth what his turn-on is.

Capitalist Lion Tamer!
Macho Business Donkey Wrestler!

Seriously, how the fuck did you steal that login? I'm still amazed that I managed to straight up disappear on AV Club with no rhyme or reason (except people responding to me on Newsradio recaps), and doubly amazed that the name came to life again. Christ.

And Lisa, I'm fairly certain, is drunk or at least buzzed the entire season. (Touch that wine and I'll break your arm!)

First is iffy. Don't know how far you are in the second season, but yeah, keep going. At least get to The Cane. If that doesn't make you laugh, by all means, give up, because you are broken.

…. prepare to be smoked, dammit.

I didn't know that was to fuck with NBC, but it makes sense.