
Also Sloan screwing up on air on multiple occasions was just bizarre and out-of-character. It goes against everything we are supposed to believe about her- that she is remarkably good at her job. They need to keep this character consistent.

Voter turnout in India has always been substantially higher than in most of the developed world, especially in the US. It's always been at least 60% of the electorate that shows up to vote in India, while that number has generally hovered at 50% in the states. So I'm not sure all these people in all these countries

Agreed. I'm not saying they should have put him on the show - definitely not. But a severe "fuck you" to a confused kid is a bit harsh, I think.

I honestly felt that a boy trying to come out to his parents on national television needs sympathy and help rather than the arrogance he ended up getting from Mac. I thought it was ridiculously sad that *that* was how he wanted to do something that had scared him shitless (which, in a just world, it shouldn't), and

I think that Stan's motivations (like Elizabeth's) are so inextricably linked with American nationalism and ideology (for Elizabeth, that would be Soviet nationalism and communism), that he sees Nina as a damsel in distress- the distress being the possibility of her having to go back to Russia- a fate he can't imagine