S. Jerusalem

After last week's episode, I really started to think heavily about zombie physiology, with questions like "are they attracted to the smell of blood?" (that would explain the "blind zombies") and "if they hunger, do they need functioning digestive tracts?" Then I realized I was looking for realism in a show about

Glenn and Maggie are probably bonin', so it should be pretty easy to sneak past them when they're on guard duty.

Beardo Guy looked like blogger Andrew Sullivan to me.

There's nothing about D'Angelo that would suggest it. What we know of him is that he a) probably has a drinking problem and b) was a medic in the army. Neither of those really suggest him turning on the prison.

D'Angelo Barksdale was all set for the vampire apocalypse…

Nothing quite like breaking the tension with a song once performed on The Muppet Show….

I was thinking "young Andy Richter," but yours works too, I guess.

I was almost positive that either Mordecai or Rigby was going to get kicked out of the house by the end of this episode. After the relationship troubles Mordecai's had with Margaret this season, it's not totally unheard of for the show to blow up major parts of the setting. Mordecai is, dare I say it, maturing faster

Is this the first time Cutty's character has been named? I can't remember him ever being called "Z" before.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Well, we know that most of the Candy Kingdom is edible (Finn and Jake eat some candy trash in the Hug Wolf episode) and Susan Strong's people attacked in order to eat the Candy Citizens, so yes, I would assume Princess Bubblegum is edible.

Jesse Thorn or GTFO.

G4 needs to fulfill its destiny and show all COPS, all the time.

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus Didn't Gus have someone in the DEA or was that just fan speculation?

If he has a comically long grey beard, I'm all for it.

My prediction: the Nazis kill Hank and Gomie (and maybe Jesse). The Nazis free Walt. Eventually, Hank and Gomie's bodies are found. Marie, being the last person to talk to Hank, assumes that Walt killed Hank. Walt has to go into hiding in New Hampshire (killing a DEA agent is a big deal). Then, boom, we're back to the

Give this list to your kid:

Probably a lot of the former but not very much of the latter, I imagine. I'm actually surprised by how well the Azzarello's treating the violence in WW.

I was pre-tearing up, almost certain that Walt brought Jesse out to the desert to kill him. For the run of the show, Jesse just wants to be treated like a human being, not a cog, not a problem, but as an individual. And for him to fall for Walt's bullshit one final time just long enough to allow Walt to come in and

From what little I know, I believe Muslims are against the depiction of Muhammed because, originally, they didn't want those depictions to turn into idolatry. Somewhere along the line, it was changed to no depictions ever.

I also believe Home Movies was included at the very beginning of the night and Cowboy Bebop was on at 1 am. Twelve years later, adult swim's still showing Bebop.